
Senior program / Study plan

The fundamental objectives of the Senior Program formation are the following:
a) Promote the three basic pillars of university education among adults: education, research and service to society.
b) Promote social integration through education.
c) Offer a higher education opportunity to people who have not had it throughout their lives.
d) Offer education to people who, everything and coming from different professional and work fields, want to deepen in other areas of knowledge.
e) Strengthen personal development, favoring the skills of acquisition and updating of knowledge and creativity, as well as tolerance and coexistence.
f) Promote social, cultural, political and economic participation in order to stimulate human relations, cooperation and enjoyment of the social environment.
g) Provide scientific and cultural elements for an adequate analysis and a good understanding of today's society, science and culture.
h) Facilitate access and use of information and communication technologies for a better adaptation to the media environment and the current technological society.
i) Facilitate the possibilities of sharing experiences and knowledge within working groups, to promote social, educational and even research interaction.